Thursday 12 April 2012

Save friends' tweets in a file

Just crontab it, and you'll get full updated archive of your friends in one text file.

Monday 2 April 2012

Python, PHP or Ruby?

Great infographics from Udemy to compare Python vs Ruby and PHP
programming languages, infographic
Source: Udemy Blog

Twitter Spy

Tired of reading billions of tweets to select only those you want to read? Take a few steps to get all tweets with the given keywords in a text file: 1. Install tweepy library that implements Twitter Streaming API in Python. 2. Get the following code: 3. Register your app on (You will neet to put your twitter login and password there) 4. Get four oAuth keys from there (consumer key and secret, access token and access secret) and put it in the code above 5. Create an empty tweets.txt file 6. Write down your keywords in the last line 7. run python 8 ??? 9. PROFIT !!!